A Photographic Exploration of Prešov Calvary Baroque Complex in Slovakia

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If you seek a vantage point to admire the panoramic vista of a city adorned with stunning Baroque architecture, look no further. The Prešov Calvary Complex might be the right place.

Panorma of Presov Eastern Slovakia
Panorma of Prešov

Prešov Calvary Complex

History of Prešov Calvary

The complex was built in the 18th century although some chapels came into existence later in the 19th century. One of its chapels named Chapel of Holy Stairs is a reference to Sancta Scala chapel in Rome and its set of 28 marble steps.

Calvary Complex
The Church of St. Cross

Prešov Calvary


This historic site boasts 14 chapels and numerous catacombs, intertwined with the serene ambiance of a cemetery. Within the confines of the church and chapels, intricate paintings adorn the walls, each telling a story of bygone eras. The paintings were made by local painter Ondrej Trstina. While some artworks may show signs of wear, adding to their allure, others remain impeccably preserved.

Inside chapel - Prešov Calvary

Painting of Jesus Christ

Religious painting - Calvary in Prešov

The Atmosphere

As you explore, you’ll encounter a captivating blend of romanticism and a touch of the apocalyptic. Historic structures stand juxtaposed against modern graffiti-adorned buildings.


Cemetery in Prešov Eastern Slovakia

This unique juxtaposition offers a glimpse into the evolving tapestry of Prešov’s urban landscape, where tradition meets contemporary expression (?). Take your time to wander through the complex, soak in its rich history, and capture the essence of this architectural marvel through your lens.

Chapel of Holy Stairs
Chapel of Holy Stairs

Chapel of Holy Stairs - Prešov Calvary Complex

Chapel of Holy Stairs

Whether you’re drawn to the serene beauty of the chapels or intrigued by the artistic contrasts, the Prešov Calvary Complex promises an unforgettable journey through time and culture. The atmosphere here is serene, with any activity typically revolving around spiritual festivities or holy masses. Reserve 1 or more hours in case you want to shoot not just walk around and make a prayer.

Chapel of Holy Stairs
Chapel of Holy Stairs from inside
Chapel of Holy Stairs
Chapel of Holy Stairs Rear View

How to get there

To reach the location from the train or bus station, simply hop on a bus heading towards the Faculty of Arts at Presov University, where you’ll disembark. Then keep on walking towards the Ice Arena till you come to crossroads. From there you can follow the signs that display Calvary Complex. They will guide you to the stairs leading to the old cemetery.

Chapel - Prešo Calvary


Alternatively, you can enjoy a leisurely 30 min long walk from the town center, passing by the train station Presov Mesto, and the Park of Alexander Duchnovič. Continue along the main road until you spot the Harley-Davidson establishment. Then follow the path leading to the Calvary.


Calvary in Prešov - stairs to cemetery
Stairs to the cemetery

If you’re eager to delve deeper into the architectural tapestry of Prešov, particularly exploring its intersections with brutalist and Soviet styles, my article about concrete melancholia offers a comprehensive exploration. You can uncover the intricate layers of design and history that have sculpted the city’s skyline and urban essence.

Cemetery in Prešov Calvary

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