16 Exciting places where to elope around the world

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This article focuses on some exciting and romantic places around the globe where to elope. Some of them might be more dangerous and the political situation not the most pleasant. But the aim of this article is also to give other travelers, and photographers tips for some visually stunning places they might consider visiting. 

What is elopement

According to dictionary definitions to elope means to leave home and get secretly married without the permission of your parents. The word comes from Anglo-French aloper which means “to abduct, run away”. The times have changed from the era when in many countries forced marriages were a thing. So the meaning of this word has changed too. Now in many places around the world means mostly small weddings. 

Some dictionaries also state the definition of elopement as the act of running away from one’s spouse with a lover or leaving a health-care or educational facility without permission.

Cliffs of Moher

A popular place among many tourists but also elopement couples. They lie on the southwestern edge of Ireland. They are approximately 14 km long and in some places, they get 214 meters above the Atlantic Ocean. The name comes from an old fort Mothar or Moher, now the Moher Tower. There is a coastal walk for tourists but some people sometimes prefer to go their way thus many people die when falling off the cliffs every year too. The peak times are between 11 am until 4 pm.

Unfortunately, the weather is usually very unpredictable. When coming to see and shoot at the cliffs of Moher be prepared for all types of weather conditions, especially rain and fog. 

But sunny weather especially early morning does not mean the best time for photography. The reason is that the cliffs at this time of the day are usually in the shadows. Another important thing to consider is the wind. It can range from a light breeze to the force of a hurricane. Before you make your visit always check Met Éireann service.

Dunluce Castle

The place is similar to the cliffs but there are ruins of the medieval castle. Located in Northern Ireland near Giant’s Causeway the castle is accessible via a bridge from the mainland. The place is also famous among elopement couples. Elopements usually happen on the cliffs, the castle itself is way too busy and crowded place. The best times are from March to November. The weather might be unpredictable too, usually with a lot of rain but mostly in the form of showers rather than harsh downpours.


Socotra is an archipelago of four islands that belong to Yemen and lies in the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. Unlike the mainland, the island is free of political problems. The place is quite isolated. There are two ways how to enter its soile – from Cairo, or Abu Dhabí by plain. Socotra is known for its alien-like landscapes. Because of its isolation, the island is never crowded by tourists thus it makes it an ideal spot for weddings or similar ceremonies. Rainfalls are light and usually, the higher inland areas receive more water than the coastal parts.

Where to elope - Socotra island


An ancient city in the center of Syria. Its history dates back to the Neolithic period. Now an archaeological site on the UNESCO list since 1980. The city was built in Greco-Roman style. For some time ISIS group took over the place and destroyed some of the ruins. It was given back to the hands of the Syrian government in 2016. I haven’t found a lot of evidence for non-Arabic and non-bedouin couples getting married there. But for locals, wedding ceremonies in the ruins are pretty common.

Where to elope - Palmyra

Pyramids of Meroe

Unlike the Pyramids in Giza, these are in Sudan and many people do not know about their existence. The complex consists of a large number of Nubian pyramids and cemeteries near the ancient city of Meroe. Their history dates back to the kingdom of Kush.

where to elope - pyramids of Meroe in Sudan

Bir Tawil

Due to politics and historical problems with the border between Egypt and Sudan, Bir Tawil ended up as a place that didn’t belong to anyone. There were some people in the past claiming its soil. But unfortunately, none of them stayed there for long. The desert and the dry conditions make it hard to establish a proper infrastructure there. 

Ice Caves

There are many beautiful ice caves around the world. People are attracted to them mostly for their mysterious, dreamy atmosphere. Many of such places are in Iceland but in the country where I am from, the are many caves too. Some of the best ones are available to the public. For example Demänovská Ice Cave or Dobšinská Ice Cave. Certain ice cave places might be dangerous, especially those in Iceland as they are moving, melting, and changing.


Antarctica is a little bit similar to Ice Caves just maybe with occasional penguins around. And where to elope in Antarctica exactly? Well, there are maybe 5 spots for it: Rothera research station on Adelaide Island, South Pole, Snow Hill Island (home to a colony of rare Emperor penguins), and Port Lockroy. In general, the best time for elopement in such conditions is in the summertime.

Pink Lake, Australia

Australia is home to many pink lakes. Some of the most famous are Lake Hillier in Western Australia, Lake Eyre in South Australia, and Hutt Lagoon in Western Australia. The pink color can vary in intensity due to factors like bacteria, salt concentration, and algae.

Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

An ancient rock fortress in the central part of Sri Lanka is also known as the Lion Rock. It was built in the 5th century AD on the top of a massive rock plateau in 200 meters above the landscape. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and is usually crowded with many visitors.

Sri Lanka

Nazaré, Portugal

Nazaré is a coastal town in Portugal with many beautiful beaches and great waves. It used to be a fishing village but nowadays many people come to Nazaré for the surfing experience mostly in the winter months. The existence of Nazaré Canyon channels the Atlantic Ocean swells and makes the ideal conditions for big wave surfing.

Volcano eruption

The best conditions for volcanic activity are in Iceland. There are 32 active volcanic systems. The best volcanoes for elopement are Eldfell Volcano, Raufarholshellir, and Fagradalsfjall. You will need to do some hiking or use a helicopter to get to the places. Some other potential countries with volcanos are Spain and its Canary Islands – especially Lanzarote, or La Palma.

where to elope - Iceland

Petra, Wadi Rum, Jordan

Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan are famous UNESCO World Heritage sights that attract many visitors every year. The breathtaking landscapes, rock formations, and ancient cities of Nabateans have also attracted many filmmakers alike. Petra has day opening hours but it is possible to see it during the night when the place is illuminated with 15 000 candles. 

Ancient Kourion

Ancient Kourion is the ruins of an ancient city located near Limassol in the southern part of Cyprus. The archeological site is set on a cliff that overlooks Kourion Beach and Zapalo Bay. 

Ancient Kourion Cyprus


Cofete is a very unique spot isolated in the western part of the island of Fuerteventura in Spain. There is a small village without electricity and Villa Winter where according to its owner there is evidence that proves it was connected to Nazis. The combination of wild dark rocks with a very long beach and desert makes it an ideal landscape for elopements. 

Parque Natural Jandía - Cofete village

The Pinnacles Desert, Australia

An interesting little bit out of a science fiction movie desert environment in Nambung National Park in Western Australia. The place is full of limestone pillars. Some of them are a couple of meters high, some are wide, some slender, shorter. Kangaroos and emus are occasionally spotted among the dunes too.

Where to elope - Australia

The list of places where to elope around the earth is not total. There are many other spots in each country. It all depends on whether you want to travel more or would prefer to stay in your area of residence or its proximity.

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